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Support for Smokers

Why is giving up or cutting down smoking important?

In the UK, around 7.4 million adults smoke, giving up smoking- or even cutting down on the number of cigarettes smoked each day can greatly increase an individual’s chance of living a longer and healthier life. Cigarettes smoke contains around 4000 chemicals one of these is nicotine, the drug that causes cigarette addiction. Within a day of stopping smoking, nicotine withdrawal can cause changes in mood such as irritability, feeling down, Restlessness and lack of concentration, sleeping difficulties, Decreased heart rate, Increased appetite etc. However, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has issued guidance on how to help those who either don’t want to give up smoking altogether or feel they aren’t ready to give up yet by initiating an approach of ‘tobacco harm reduction’. 

Support for Smokers
Support for Smokers

Self care tips

Pick a day to start changing smoking habits by following some tips: 1. Identify the reason for giving up smoking. 2. Set a ‘quit day’ and stick to it. 3. Get support from people close to you and ask them not to smoke around you. 4. Get active -exercise can help quitters to relax, control their weight and improve their overall health. 5. Come up with strategies to help distract yourself when smoking cravings hit, e.g. moving to another room, going for a brisk walk or drinking a glass of water.

Available Treatments

Nicotine replacement Therapy (NRT) products are licensed for use as a smoking cessation aid and for harm reduction. If you are looking to cut down, there is a lot of evidence to support the fact that NRT does not cause cancer or increase the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes.

We support in quit smoking and you can surely try to have a look at our NRT products on website. There are many products that will surely help you to quit smoking, they are as follows: 1. Nicotine chewing Gum : A piece of gum should be chewed slowly until the taste becomes strong. 2. Nicotine Patches : The 24-hour patches are designed to be worn day & night & 16-hour patches should be removed before going to bed. 3. Nicotine Inhalators: This products is designed particularly for those who missed the actions of smoking. 4. Nicotine sublingual tablets and lozenges: It releases nicotine when absorbed through the lining of the mouth, must be kept under the tongue till it dissolves completely  5. Nicotine sprays: Quick way of relieving strong nicotine cravings and starts working in 60 seconds.